Dissemination events and outreach

DEMODRIVERS attends the Grup d’Amics Museu Arxiu de Sentmenat seminars


On the 26th of January, as part of the series of seminars organised by the Grup d’Amics Museu Arxiu de Sentmenat, the Demodrivers doctoral candidate, Albert Gaitan Roca, gave a talk entitled ‘Arqueologia no destructiva: el projecte Demodrivers’. The event took place in the Municipal Library in front of an audience of around thirty people.
The main objective of the talk was to give a general overview of the Demodrivers project, focusing on the sampling methodology and how it ensures minimal destruction of the archaeological sites studied, compared to traditional archaeological excavations. This was the perfect excuse to go through the field methods, the topographic reconstruction using LIDAR, the sediment analyses that the team is carrying out, and how all this data is intended to answer big questions about the human groups that inhabited Llanos de Moxos in the past. A final section focused on Albert’s pre-doctoral work in GIS and remote sensing, which is being applied to the study of the sites, known as forest islands, and their relationship with the surrounding landscape.
This type of event aims to make scientific knowledge generated in academic contexts accessible to a non-specialist public, to empower society through education and to encourage scientific engagement.